Mia is an experienced public speaker, panelist, and podcast guest who engages, inspires and motivates audiences worldwide. Request information on how to book Mia for your next event!

From "disability" to "capability" - motivation and advocacy
Turning Darkness into Light
Diversity in the Media
Overcoming fear for success
Women's empowerment
Healing from within
Choosing triumph over tragedy
[Custom topics upon request]
UC Berkeley
Queens College
Providence Medical Center
Boeing - Diversity Department
San Diego State University
Wright University
Paul Mitchell Schools
The Jewish Federation
California State University
City of Hope
Allied Medical Services Read press write-up
PA Interagency Council Watch News Clip Read press write-up
Hanover Hospital
H.E.R. Health Empowerment Reset
Zimmer Museum - Women of Impact
Abington Heights Middle School
Sylvia Weisz Women's Philanthropy Read blog write-up
International Lion of Judah Conference
Poconos Medical Center
Pennsylvania LINK
American Jewish University
Guiding Hearts with Hope
WellSpan Gettysburg Hospital
Holy Cross Medical Center
Ohr Chadash Academy
Brentwood School
West Coast University
Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters

Natan, Age 8
"Mia, words cannot fully capture how grateful we all are for your being the highlight of today's event. You spoke beautifully, you inspired, you moved us and you challenged us to always carry our courage card. You speak with strength, you dance with grace and your message touched all of our hearts. When you answered the final question of the young mother of a 10 year old diagnosed with diabetes, we all listened as your words sent strength and love her way. You shared your gift with each and every one of us. Each time I hear your speak, I learn and I feel my own perspective about life's journey alter for the better. I cannot tell you how many people came up to me afterwards for your email so that they can share you with their communities. The Zimmer community is proud that our stories are now forever intertwined. We celebrate you, your engagement and all that you have to offer. Thank you for elevating a lovely day to one that has now been made memorable. Memorable indeed."
Esther Netter
CEO, Zimmer Museum
"Thank you for a truly amazing day! Your uplifting spirit and positive attitude are an inspiration to us all. You warmth, enthusiasm, and humor are contagious. We thank you for a truly special program!"
Betty Carmona
Membership & Program Coordinator, University Women
"Who says you can’t reinvent the wheel? Meeting Mia will change your life forever! I’ve been to hundreds of seminars with fluffy, feel-good motivational speakers. This is totally different. Mia’s infectious wit, her genuine compassion and inspirational look at the world takes the listener on a fascinating journey from her personal darkness to the bright charismatic and independent success she is today. Her honesty and willingness to share her unfiltered story with the world can only make us stronger as we deal with our own disabilities, whatever they may be. Keep telling your story and sharing your triumphs!"
Merle Turitz
Director, RSVP Senior Corps
"Thank you again for speaking to our Thrive workshop. We LOVED having you. Your keynote and your session were beyond educational, inspiring, engaging, and uplifting. Your passion is infectious, and I could feel the immense impact you had on our teens!"
Ashley Waterman
Director of Community Engagement, Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters
“Mia’s got it and she gets it! In her presentation she brings a personal and memorable perspective about living life in a wheelchair. She couples that perspective with an honest and real look into the complexities of everyday living – work, school, relationships, friendships and people’s perceptions, of individuals with a disability.
A must for colleges trying to broaden awareness and capacities of their students!”
David Sanfilippo
Director, Disabled Student Services
Long Beach State University
"Mia moved us all! She shared her inspiring story with grace, gratitude, and positivity. She is an example that we can overcome adversity and seek the light."
Gisele Goldwater-Feldman
Woman's Philanthropy Associate
The Jewish Federation
"We greatly enjoyed Mia's visit to Queens College and I am certain that the message shared with our students, faculty and staff will stay with them for a long time and give them a great deal think about. I received a great many phone calls and other messages after the event commenting on what a wonderful speaker Mia is and congratulating Committee for Disabled Students (CDS) on a very successful event."
John Andrejack, Ed.D.
Executive Director of Student Development/Dean of Students
Queens College